Teachers educate our future leaders

Today's children are tomorrow's create our future. What better way to improve our future as a teacher. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find good teachers in the world today. We need good teachers to educate and inspire our children to make our nation a success for the future. Without a good teacher in my life to inspire me, you probably would not be in college today. It 'was a person who made me want to do great things in life. Every child should have this opportunity to be inspired. Every child should be able to make a difference in the world. Our schools and our children need the best teachers they can find.

For example, if we have good teachers to educate our future leaders, how do we find qualified people to run our country and keep out of trouble? How are we going to find qualified doctors, nurses and surgeons? I certainly would not want that any open-heart surgery performing on me. As we continue to improve our technology as our world changes, if you do not have the inspiration or support in our school systems to make students try to improve our world? How are we going to provide sufficient security officials, such as police officers and firefighters for our cities? No matter what profession a person wants to go in, they must have a good teacher to teach them how to do their job.

The economy today is making our world more difficult to live, so we need to make sure that our children have all the opportunities they can possibly bear to improve their lives. Our children are our future. With more and more people have financial problems and losing jobs, we need to ensure that the thousands of U.S. dollars parents spend on education for their children, it's worth it. Without a well educated background, it is difficult to make a living in our world today. Without good teachers to give our children the education, we're setting yourself up for failure.

I feel very strongly that the most useful higher every child can go in today's world is education. It may be primary education, higher education, or anything in between. They all need teachers. The dropout rates are on the rise because the kids do not care about most of the school. It is up to our generation to change the situation and inspire children to stay in school and make a difference in our world. Teachers are a vital necessity for our future and I believe that we should take more interest in our future than we are now.